Saturday, March 19, 2011

Independence Day

Last night everyone is busy in the house, packing things, entertaining guest because two of my friends and housemates, Luft and Nica will going to take their vacation in the Philippines the next day. March 19 is the official date of the flight at around 10:30 am via Emirates Airlines. My two friends were excited and yet lonely because they're 
gonna left their honeys, Kim and Syed in Dubai. I really felt the sadness of the girls because they are going to separate for a while with their loveones. Thinking they will miss the happy times the couples shared together, the laughter and tears, the small fights and the sweet moments they shared in one roof. Indeed, it's difficult saying goodbyes.

I witnessed how Kim and Luft shed their tears before they parted ways at the airport. It's funny seeing them in tears but its heartwarming. As you see in the picture, Kim wiping his tears. Luft is hiding and don't want to be caught by the camera in tears.

Let's check out the guys after they brought the girls to the airport. Hmmm yes they were both lonely too??? It really shows on their face??? When they reached the house, you can see them rejoicing and celebrating and marking MARCH 19 as their INDEPENDENCE DAY....A KFC treat also provided.

Its funny because i know at the back of their mind, they just doing this celebration to cover up their loneliness inside...

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